Sara Malton specializes in nineteenth-century literature, especially the intersectionof fiction, finance, law and cultural memory. My interests also include consumer andcommodity culture as well as the relationship between literature, technology, andmodernity.
After receiving my PhD in English from the University of Toronto in 2004, I went onto a SSHRC Postdoctoral Fellowship at Cornell University. I thereafter joined theDepartment of English at Saint Mary’s in 2005. In addition to teaching in the EnglishDepartment at Saint Mary’s, I also have served on thesis committees in the SobeySchool of Business (PhD in Management) and at Dalhousie University where I am anAdjunct Professor. I am a current Trustee of the Dickens Society and recentlyhosted the 20th Annual Dickens Society Symposium at Saint Mary’s in July, 2015.
Courses that I regularly teach
My work has appeared in such journals as Studies in the Novel, Victorian Literatureand Culture, the European Romantic Review, and English Studies in Canada, andNineteenth Century Studies. My book Forgery in Nineteenth Century Literature andCulture: Fictions of Finance from Dickens to Wilde was published by Palgrave-Macmillan in 2009.
2011 – 2015 SSHRC Standard Faculty Research Grant for book project, “RoughWaters: Naval Impressment and Nineteenth-Century CulturalMemory”
2015 SMU Faculty of Graduate Studies & Research Grant for “Victorian WomenWriters and the American Civil War”
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