Diane Crocker is a Professor in the Department of Criminology at Saint Mary’s University. Her work explores the use of law to address social problems, particularly those that disproportionately affect women. She is currently a member of iMPACTS: Collaborations to Address Sexual Violence on Campus and regularly advises government and community agencies on projects related the gender-based violence. Most recently, Dr. Crocker lead and evaluation of initiative developed a provincial domestic violence action plan for the province. She served as a research and policy advisor for the . She is also working closing with universities across Nova Scotia and developing effective sexual violence prevention and response policies and a multi-university exploration of students’ experiences. Her recent book , co-edited with Joanne Minaker and Amanda Nelund, provides a collection of essays about researcher related to campus sexual violence in Canada.
Her areas of research included gender-based violence, restorative justice, narrative research methods and program evaluation.
Crocker, D.; Norris, D.; Gosse, M.; Bookchin, S. (2024) “The legal system must show more compassionto survivors of sexual abuse.” The Conversation, April 1, 2024.
Crocker, D. and Dej, E. (2024), "“Our stories are different but our situations are the same”: gendered experiences finding housing", Housing, Care and Support, Vol. 27 No. 2, pp. 77-89. .
Crocker, D., & Dufour, G. (2023). Developing campus anti-violence policies: Lessons learned from the criminalization of domestic and sexual violence. In C. Dietzel & S. Shariff (Eds.) Interupting Sexual Violence: The Power of Law, Education and Media. (pp 3-24). Peter Lang Publisher.
Crocker, D., & Silbey, M. (2020). Transforming Campus Rape Culture: Lessons from Complexity Theory. In S. Marine & R. Lewis (Eds.), Collaborating for Change: Transforming Cultures to End Gender Based Violence in Higher Education (pp. 23-46). Oxford University Press.
Crocker, D., Minaker, J., & Nelund, A. (2020). Violence Interrupted : Confronting Sexual Violence on University Campuses.McGill-Queen's University Press.
Crocker, D. (2020). Telling Stories and Making Sense of Campus Culture. In Violence Interrupted: Confronting Sexual Violence on University Campuses (pp. 371-388). McGill University Press.
Crocker, D. (2017). The Domestic Violence Court Pilot Project: Lessons from and Evaluation. In T. Augusta-Scott, K. Scott, & L. Tutty (Eds.), Innovations in Interventions to Address Intimate Partner Violence: Research and Practice (pp. 125-138).
Developping a Principle-Based Approach to Campus Sexual Violence Prevention (Principal Investigator) $14,000 from NS Department of Advanced Education
Alternative Responses to Intimate Partner Violence in
Halifax Regional Municipality (Principal Investigator) $10,000 from the YWCA of Halifax
IMPACTS: Collaborations to Address Sexual Violence on Campus $2,000,000 Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council. Partnership Grant (Co-Applicant; Principal Investigator Shareen Sharriff)
Gender-based violence
Restorative justice
Narrative research methods and program evaluation
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