For Teaching Faculties and Visitors: The EMC encourges faculty to invite students to the Center for their courses work. Please contact the EMC staff to schedule a lab tour or instrumental demonstration. Booking must be done at the beginning of the semester or 4 months in advance.
If the instrumental demonstration involves specific topic or interest, such as specific plant/animal tissue, rocks, faculties will have to provide proper educational materials and have the EMC staff prepare for the demonstration.
For General Users: All research proposals and/or lectures that require the use of EMC facilities should be discussed with the Ceter's staff or supervisor to ensure the research is feasible with available equipment and to prepare a cost estimate. Researchers and faculty may consult the EMC staff early in the preparation of a proposal, preparation phase for assistance with EMC fee and technical requirements.
Prior to commencement of work, all EMC users are required to complete a brief SEM SAMPLE REQUEST FORM outlining the proposed research objectives. EMC staff will advise the researcher on feasibility and sample and sample preparation methods available. Completed forms are kept confidential, and will only be used to advise the researcher and to compile administrative reports, document use of equipment.
Using the completed form and through a brief consultation with the user, EMC staff will assess:
Note: Literature references to previous protocols, as provided by the user, will also facilitate the discussion.
The EMC cannot assume responsibility for any sample. Staff will give the best advice possible and use due caution in sample preparation and handling. However, ultimate responsibility remains with the user. Requests for unusual and exotic preparation of samples will be considered and accommodated where possible; however, fees will be commensurate with the complexity of the procedure.
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